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test your ideas!
Welcome to Data Visualization

Group: 66

Member: Yujie, Mateo, Zach, Blake

VizTester provides valuable feedback in a simple and quick format, so designers can best represent the data to their audience.

Create a Survey

​Create a simple survey using Qualtrics with the specific question(s) you would like to have answered about your visualization.

Step 3
Get Your Results

In a few hours, your survey results will appear giving you deeper understanding of how well your visualization was understood.

Upload Your Visualiz

Upload the visualization and survey to send out for feedback.

Our Team

The creative team behind this project consists of professors and students at Oregon State University

Reindert Reitsma

Professor of Business Information Systems

Andrea Marks

Professor of Design

Zachary Kauffman

Backend Developer

Mateo Rey-Rosa

Backend Developer

Yujie Wang

Backend/Front-end Developer

Simple Demo Video

Project Description

The purpose of data visualization is usually to convey information in an understandable and digestible format to a specific audience. However, there is currently no effective way to gather extensive feedback on data visualization created by designers. Therefore, the goal of the project is to create an automatic feedback system for analyzing the effectiveness of data visualization in conveying information.


In order to automate the feedback collection process for data visualization, an automated process needs to be created. The goal of the project is to create a website where designers can upload the data visualization results of their survey results, and then automatically send them to the survey platform Amazon MTurk. Data visualization designers will be able to specify how many survey responses they want, as well as other criteria such as age or demographics. After the survey is completed, the data visualization designer will be notified and can then view the survey results. The data visualization designer can also check the progress of the survey, which indicates the need to interact with Amazon MTurk to retrieve the current progress every time the user wants to check. Finally, the data visualization designer will be able to perform a set of statistical tests on the returned data to understand and interpret the survey results. From here, data visualization designers can adjust their creation and make modifications to achieve more effective visualization. For the time being, the combination of the website and the server used to process the survey results will be the scope of the final project and will be provided as a service. The project is likely to be launched within OSU as a service that students or professors can use, but it can also be expanded to a service that can be used by the public.

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